E-mega sphygmomanometer
- Model: E-MEGA
- Manufacturer: Rudolf RIESTER GmbH
- Origin: Germany
- Certificate ISO 13485, CE certificate
- Product details:
- Product specifications:
- Fast inflation of the cuff due to new ergonomic spoon design
- Lifelong precision due to almost non-aging precision movement, with specially tempered copper-beryllium diaphragm for pressure-loading capacity up to 600 mm Hg
- Large manometer scale (ø 63 mm) and optimized scale and pointer design for better readability of values
- High-polished manometer surface, easy to disinfect.
- Maximum error tolerance +/- 3 mm Hg.
- Microfilter protects air release valve and measuring system.
- Disinfectable and washable one-piece cuffs in different sizes.
- Comfort – air release valve, wearfree, with fi ne adjustment.
- Available as 1-tube and 2-tube model with plug-in connection
- Completely latex-free version with shock-protecting polycarbonate casing
- Delivery includes one-piece cuff and vinyl zipper bag
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