Ri-scope L premium hand held diagnostic instruments
Ri-scope® L – premium hand-held ophthalmoscopes with renowned optics, reduced reflection and LED technology to enable a more efficient diagnosis with lower maintenance costs
Renowned high performance optics and bright illumination aspherical condenser lens, coaxial light beams for diagnosis and illumination (Gullstrand principle), reflection-reduced view even with small pupils
Its optimum values in all these fields make the ri-scope® a pioneering hand-held instrument for flexible diagnosis
LED illumination – bright light with a nearly unlimited lifetime! – Maintenance-free High-Performance LED technology
– CRI > 90, colour temperature 4.000 Kelvin – excellent colour rendering close to natural daylight conditions for more efficient diagnosis
– Designed for optimal heat dissipation – longer lifetime and brilliant illumination over the entire lifespan of the LED (100.000 hrs)
Ri-scope LPremium-ClassDirect Ophthalmoscope with renowned high-performance optics and LED / Li-Ion technology
Available with LED or Xenon illumination and a wide range of power supply options.
ri-scope® L1 The inexpensive basic model with all the important basic functions
ri-scope® L2 The enhanced basic model with separately engageable red-free, blue and polarization filters for each aperture
ri-scope® L2 The enhanced basic model with separately engageable red-free, blue and polarization filters for each aperture